๐Ÿง SolidProof Audit review

The below covers any faults, brought up from our SolidProof audit of our entire ecosystem including our 4 smart contracts

Users can find our 4 verified smart contracts and view our functions & more below.


Full audit, from SolidProof below

Updating potential contract errors, hence non-renounced

The deployer/ contract owner, has not renounced ownership in order for the BaseBTCETF tech team, to fix any potential errors with bond sales (bond rates), constant project maintenance and more.

In case something goes wrong on the multi-contract side (BaseBTCETF has 4 contracts), then we have the ability to delve in and fix it.

Bonds contract payout via mint function

Our bonds are paid out via an automatic mint function built into our bond contract.


Other emissions to users, apart from vesting is paid out directly via this same model. This model can not be exploited, as the contract only gives tokens for incoming ETH, confirmed on the network.

Blacklisting other DEX-routers

We'll be blacklisting all other routers, so users can't deploy their own LP's and force arbitrage for fees against our primary V3 pool on launch.

The blacklist function, will only be used, once on launch (post LP deployment). Our router-blacklist TXID will be posted here